Q : What if I am not in shape?

Boot camp is for all fitness levels. No one will be left out. Instructors are able to modify exercises to fit all ages and fitness levels.

Q : What are the goals?

Lose weight, look better, and feel better!
Exercises are designed to tighten the stomach, tone the butt, arms, and legs

Q : What Should I expect?

To lose 5-12 pounds and 2-3 inches to 1-3 inches at the waist. You should also expect to gain self -discipline and control.

Q : Will you yell at me?

Yes, but only encouraging words to get you motivated.

Q : Why should I participate?

To improve your health, how you look, and how you feel. Also you will meet and share a life changing experience with other women that will motivate and support you alone the way.

Q : What is the cost?

See Calendar

Q : When and where is the next camp?

See Calendar